Please find any open United Way Niagara calls for funding opportunities below. 

For more information, please contact Chandra Hardeen at


Through From Poverty to Possibility funding, United Way Niagara will provide three-year funding for programs and services that provide immediate relief for the effects of poverty, as well as longer term solutions to break the cycle of poverty.


The goal of this priority area is to meet basic human needs and help break the cycle of poverty. 


This funding stream is for programs that contribute to improved food security, improved housing stability, or increased income stability. 


Letter of Intent Release - Jan 3

Letter of Intent Due - Jan 31

Application Invitation - Feb 7

Application Due - Mar 7

United Way Niagara's Rental Assistance Program is designed to support individuals and families that are at risk of losing their home due to the inability to pay rent. The program will provide individuals and families with a one-time per calendar year rental assistance payment to support them in maintaining their home.

Agencies from across Niagara that are focused on delivering housing supports have been provided with funding to distribute at their discretion to individuals and families.

Agencies that have received funding are required to complete the following report form each time a rental assistance payment is made. The report from captures non-identifying information about the individuals and/or families that are rental assistance recipients.

If you have any questions, or require assistance in completing this form, please contact Shoneez Smith at or 905-688-5050, Ext. 2118.

If you are a submitter and are in need of technical assistance, you can fill out the help form at the bottom of this page to contact our team:

United Way Niagara